Cyber Oregon Sponsors

Learn more about our sponsors

Cyber Oregon is a statewide initiative powered by a public-private consortium that is working together to build tangible solutions to protect the digital lives of all Oregonians. Senate Bill 90 went into effect in September 2017 and established the Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council. This enabled the launch of the Cyber Oregon initiative in partnership with the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) to foster cross-sector collaboration and work toward the creation of a Cybersecurity Center of Excellence in Oregon. The companies represented below have signed up as platinum, gold and silver level sponsors. We appreciate their sponsorship and support of Cyber Oregon.

Become a sponsor

In addition to sponsorship of the website, two Cyber Oregon Cybersecurity Summits (spring and summer) are available as well as a special Cyber Oregon Reception for NW Cyber Camp, a cybersecurity camp for high school students which provides valuable cybersecurity training (summer). As supporters of Cyber Oregon programs, sponsors receive such benefits as increased brand recognition to help increase sales and recruit talent, expanded awareness for your programs, and the chance to play a bigger role in Oregon's inclusive, innovation-based economy.  Download our 2019 Cyber Oregon Sponsorships Opportunities brochure to learn more.

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

silver sponsors


Contact Us

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